Terms & Conditions

By registering yourself or your children in a class or holiday camp you acknowledge acceptance of these terms and conditions. 

  • Annual registration fees Gymnastics Queensland (GYMQLD) Registration & Gold Medal Gymnastics (GMG) Club fees are due annually. Registration fees are set by GYMQLD annually. GYMQLD registration fees and GMG Club fees expire at the end of each year. The Annual GYMQLD registration fee is transferable to another club on condition that your fees are paid in full. 
  • Term fees - All enrolled gymnasts must setup a monthly (weekly or fortnightly in case of 2021-2022 members) direct debit. Once enrolled, sessions must be paid for regardless of attendance. All term fees set each term by Gold Medal Gymnastics (GMG) are for TRAINING only. The fee schedule is available upon request. Fees are calculated over a term period to accommodate public holidays, illness, etc. 
  • Class sizes are limited and your child’s spot is only secured with full payment. Term fees, Holiday training fees are not refundable and non- transferable. Once an invoice is rendered by GMG, payment is due within due date. Unpaid /Overdue accounts will be handed over to an external debt collection agency, with all subsequent costs incurred by GMG being passed onto the client. 
  • Refunds There will be NO refund on fees paid for change of mind except under director's discretion or if due to medical condition validated by medical certificate. Refunds are not given for missed classes or the Registration fee under any circumstances. Annual Registration & Club fee is non-refundable. This includes natural disasters beyond our control. 
  • Make up classes - 2 make up classes are available per term. The makeup class must be taken in the same term of missed class. Parents are required to advise us of absence before the class and we require 24 hours’ notice so make ups can be arranged and classes not over filled. Failure to show for a pre booked makeup class will be counted as taken. Missed classes are not transferable to other gymnasts.    
  • Late Payment Fees - Please note that class fees are automatically deducted on the 1st of each month. The system will attempt to take payment on this date and subsequent days. If payment for the month is not settled by the 14th of the month a $10 late fee will be charged.
  • Any outstanding fees at the time of completion of time with Gold Medal Gymnastics will be subject to an arrears on your account which will affect future registration and insurance with any Gymnastics Australia affiliated club. These arrears will need to be cleared before a transfer of membership to another club can be completed.
  • Additional fees Competition fees, clinics, choreography, coaches or judge’s fees for attending any competitions & insurance fees are to be paid on request as applicable. 
  • Uniforms. All gymnasts receive a club shirt as part of registration and should the class require it, gymnasts will need to purchase full uniform i.e. leotard when enrolling. 
  • Progress reports. Any parent requesting progress report on their children or any information whatsoever with regard to GMG should contact the office. Grading cards will be supplied every 6 months (June & December)
  • PARENTS - PLEASE do not enter the gym space and do not interrupt any classes under any circumstances. No parent or any other person is permitted in the gym space without specific permission whilst training is in progress. 
  • Medical Conditions. If your child has a medical condition that we need to be aware of, please provide a medical details as pertinent i.e Epipen, allergies, etc as well as a certificate of clearance. Please advise us of any important information that is pertinent to your child training at GMG ie custody orders, changes to pick up arrangements etc 
  • Video surveillance. GMG training centre is under constant surveillance by video cameras for your child/children’s safety and security and GMG reserves the right to use this video (at GMG’s discretion) of your child/children or any participants at GMG training centre, including use for publicity purposes unless otherwise advised. 
  • Injury /Accidents. Activities undertaken are for the purpose of recreation, enjoyment & leisure which involves significant exertion or physical risk and GMG excludes all liability of death or personal injury relating to any participation in such activities. I understand that any gymnastic activities or other recreational activity in gymnastics is dangerous. Participants taking part in such activities, do so at their own risk. GMG takes no responsibility for any injury that occurs as a result of participation. By enrolling in a class/holiday camp or clinic, you hereby grant authority for your child/children to train at GMG and will abide by GMG Terms & Conditions and in so doing agree that GMG coaches, officers, agents are to be free and clear of all responsibilities whatsoever for any accident or illness during your child/children’s participation in any activities relating to gymnastic enrolment. Gymnastics is a hands on sport which requires coaches to be “spotting”, helping and developing skills by hand and I understand that gymnastics is an aerial sport and therefore injuries and accidents may occur at no fault of GMG staff and coaches. 
  • Insurance claims. Please contact us ASAP if your child has sustained an injury and we can step you through the process. GMG will not be responsible if claimants do not request or claim their insurance within 30 days of sustaining an injury whilst registered and training at GMG. 
  • GMG has the right to refuse or cancel membership to any child/children if deemed necessary. 
  • We will not tolerate bullying or any kind of negative behaviour from members, parents or staff, Club Directors have the right to cancel membership should we feel there is not a right fit for the club culture.
  • We are a Drop off & pick up facility – you are requested to bring your child to the front reception area prior to the class starting and then return to collect them when the class concludes. We do not have a dedicated seating area, however we have sufficient parking space within the complex proximity and street parking close by to our entrance. There is an end of term viewing week each term and every 6 months (June & December) athletes are assessed in their skill levels. Please do not set up chairs, rugs or any other seating apparatus outside the gym fencing area to watch the classes.
  • Carpark safety. Parents must escort children into the gymnasium at all times and not drop off at the door (if they are not staying for the class). GMG will only accept a duty of care inside the gym. Parents are responsible for their children in the waiting area & outside the building which includes the car park & driveways. For safety reasons, children are not to exit the premises after a class unless with an adult. Children are not to meet parents in the car park but must be collected from the premises and must hold parent’s hands when walking to and from the centre. Children are not permitted to run or play in the car park/driveway and must go to the car immediately. We ask that parents do not stand and talk in the car park. Seating is not permitted to be set up in the carpark or driveway.
  • Pick up - Please come in to the venue to collect your child. Please do not wait in the carpark for your child to come to you. You need to come into the centre to collect your child. Children are not to exit the premises after a class unless with a Parent/Carer. Please enforce this with your child as they are not allowed to leave the child zone if they do not see you (Parent/Carer).
  • All children that are not picked up on time are required to wait until you pick them up. Late pickups: Charges will be incurred for late pick up more than 15 minutes at $15 for every 15 minutes. 
  • Parking is limited. Please ONLY park in the designated areas. Please do not park in the Gold Coast Indoor Sports Staff parking area as we hire the space and that parking is reserved for our landlord and their staff.
  • Privacy – The information contained in club registration will be used primarily for matters specifically relating to gymnastics participation. While we limit the use and disclosure of personal information provided to us, we may need to disclose personal information to assist in providing our services to the following organisations for specific purposes for which it was suppled: • Gymnastics QLD & Gymnastics Australia • Our advisors- Accountants, Lawyers, Auditors, Insurers • Regulatory Authorities and other organisations as required by law. If you choose not to provide the personal information, we may not be able to provide the level of service that you require (see Privacy Statement Policy for more information) 
  • Cancellation Policy - A 28 Day notice period is in place if a member decides to finish up classes.
  • Management reserves the right to waive this 28 day period and cancel membership immediately at their discretion.
  • Any fees that are 10 days or more overdue will incur a $10 per week late fee.


I have read & understand GMG Terms & Conditions (As above). I hereby grant authority for my child/children to train at GMG and will abide by GMG Terms & Conditions and in so doing agree that GMG coaches, officers, agents are to be free and clear of all responsibilities whatsoever for any accident or illness during my child/children’s participation in any activities relating to gymnastic enrolment. I understand that gymnastics is an aerial sport and therefore injuries and accidents may occur at no fault of GMG staff and coaches. I further authorise GMG coaches, officers, agents of GMG to obtain such medical assistance as deemed necessary and agree to meet any expense attached thereto. 

I understand that unless advised with a medical certificate that all absences from class must still be paid for and no refunds will be given and non-transferable. Unless otherwise advised in writing, I give consent for my child to be photographed / videoed while participating in gymnastic activities. I consent for these photos/videos to be used for publicity purposes if required unless advised otherwise . 

Legal Binding Agreement

I understand that by accepting these Terms & Conditions and enrolling my child that this agreement is legally binding whether my use of the facility and its services is determined and paid on a yearly, monthly, fortnightly, weekly or individual basis. 

Please be advised that all activities held within this Facility can be dangerous and carry risk of harm including, without limitation, obvious risks and inherent risks as defined in the Civil Liability Act 2003 (QLD). YOU ARE PARTICIPATING AT YOUR OWN RISK AND/OR ACCEPTING THE RISK ON BEHALF OF YOUR CHILD OR THE CHILD FOR WHICH YOU ARE GUARDIAN. 

This includes all activities undertaken at GMG such as running, jumping, vaulting, rolling, flipping, trampolining and climbing. By entering the Facility and being involved in any activity you accept these risks as a part of general participation. By paying fees or participation in any activity of GMG you agree and state that you understand the risks and declare that: 

  • I understand that all the activities at GMG can be dangerous and there is a risk of injury, serious disability or death. 
  • The participant is in good health and does not have any pre-existing conditions or injuries that could be triggered or exacerbated through participation in the activities. 
  • I accept that these activities are physically challenging and may cause abrasions, sprains, fractures, dislocations, spinal and other injuries. 
  • I have considered the associated risks and agree to participate voluntarily and at own risk. I accept the risks of injury, serious disability or death. 
  • I hereby release Gold Medal Gymnastics (GMG) (ACN) is 0654277915, its officers, employees, contractors, volunteers and any other person from any liability, demand, suit, claim or compensation due to any injury, serious disability or death or any damage to personal property that may occur whilst participating in activities at the Facility. 
  • I agree that this waiver and release applies to all activities now or in the future undertaken at the Facility and will also be binding on all heirs, administrators, executors and assigns. 
  • I am over the age of 18 and am legally competent to understand and agree to the contents of this document OR I am a parent or guardian and am legally competent to understand and agree to the contents of this document 
  • I accept and agree to abide by and follow all the rules, policies, procedures and conditions of GMG. All policies are accessible on request by contacting us at hello@goldmedalgymnastics.com.au 
  • By signing up to a trial or ongoing classes, I agree to the above.

Thank you